• Disclaimer: Dealer Discount $7000. GM Rebate $2750. Trade Rebate $2250 must trade 2010 or newer. Branded, scrap, or salvage title not acceptable. In stock units. Plus tax, title, license and fees. Offers expire on 4/30/24.
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Nov 11, 2022

Are you wondering how to help your car last as long as possible? There are some important car maintenance tips that your Chevy dealer and Cadillac dealer want you to know.

The Top 4 Car Maintenance Tips from Chevy Dealers and Cadillac Dealers for Chevy and Cadillac Owners

1. Read Your Owner’s Manual

While getting a new vehicle is certainly exciting and you’re probably itching to get on the road and test it out properly, there is something important that you should do first.

Your owner’s manual is an important document that you need to familiarize yourself with before you hit the road. It includes important details for your car’s overall maintenance including when to take it in for servicing and how its connectivity and safety features work.

2. Check Your Tires Often

To keep your driving experience safe, you must keep an eye on your tires. If your tires’ pressure gets too low, make sure you refill them right away. This will prevent potential issues like flats and blowouts, which can quickly become dangerous.

Check your tires’ air pressure at least once a month and more often during seasonal changes when the outside air pressure has a stronger effect on your tires. You’ll also want to keep an eye on your tires’ treads to ensure they’re wearing down evenly.

3. Keep Your Car Clean

Dirt and grime buildup can cause serious damage to the exterior of your car. The more severe it becomes, the more it will start eating away at your car’s paint and bodywork. To avoid this, you need to keep your car clean.

It’s best to try and clean your car at least once every two weeks, though you may need to clean it more often if you frequently drive in dirty areas. Don’t forget to also clean the car’s interior, and try not to leave trash inside, since this could cause tough to get rid of odors to linger.

4. Refill Your Fluids

You should make sure you’re keeping an eye on your car’s fluids. When you take your car in for servicing, your dealer will check them for you, but you should be taking a look on your own time too.

If any of the fluids seem like they’re getting low, make sure to refill them right away. And, if you notice any signs of leaking like puddles under your car or fluids getting low faster than usual, head to your dealer for a repair.

If you want your Chevy or your Cadillac to last as long as possible, it’s important to remember the above steps. Need an expert to take a look at your vehicle? Visit us at Service GM Chevrolet Cadillac.

Photo courtesy of Pexels